Irlam Primary School


  1. About the School
  2. Safeguarding


If you are worried about a child please contact the safeguarding team at school or go to for help and advice.

Click here to view our safeguarding policy and procedure.


At Irlam Primary School, we regard the safeguarding of children as our main priority. We believe that we all have the right to be happy, to be safe and to learn; we all have the responsibility to make this happen.

Parents should be aware that the school will take any reasonable action to ensure the safety of its pupils. In cases where the school has reason to be concerned that a pupil may be subject to ill-treatment, neglect or other forms of abuse, staff will follow Salford Local Authority procedures.

We will ensure that:

  • the welfare of the child remains paramount;
  • all children whatever their age, culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin, religious beliefs and/ or sexual identity have the right to be protected from harm;
  • all suspicions and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately;
  • all staff and volunteers working at our school have a responsibility to report concerns to the designated leads for Safeguarding: Mrs Darwin

Safeguarding Team

Elaine Darwin - Designated Safeguarding Lead

Stacey Antcliff -  Safeguarding Governor

Lindsey Caplan - Safeguarding Team

Lisa Freer - Safeguarding Team

Amanda Power- Safeguarding Team

Anne MacKenzie - Safeguarding Team

Joanne Higham - Safeguarding Team 

Claire Rollings - Safeguarding Team